Digging a Hole

Monday, January 09, 2006

New Year's Eve Recap

Oh, werd?
So, quite a few of my readers (I think) were at my party in Brooklyn.
Maybe some of you were not.
Either way, share a story here! A funny moment! PICTURE LINKS!
For example, me and Amanda and Tara (fuck you grammar) found a brown mesh shirt that belongs to none of us in my room that Eric was wearing for a while. Who's shirt could this be?
Or: Sadownik berrated people into doing a shot of whiskey (!?!) when we were already drunk.
Or: How cool was it that we pulled off the champagne and fireworks on the roof at midnight?
What was your favorite NYE moment?
....And picture links.
"...............And drugs." =D


At 12:50 AM, Blogger amanda said...

well there's my recap... and pictures... hm... if you remember many good stories, you weren't really there =D


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