Digging a Hole

Monday, November 07, 2005

Where's Kerry?

Oh, werd?
This post will be a brief communique as I am writing in Bloomfield and need to run shortly.
(Doesn't that sound all badarse and revolutionary? Like, "I have to run soon before agents of the government crash through the door!" But actually, I have to run soon because I need to get to Walgreens and pick up facewash before my mom comes home from work to give me a lift to Brooklyn. Ah, the revolutionary lifestyle....)
Anyhoo, I am not online because, despite Tandy's best efforts, my computer broke the rest of the way last Wednesday. Fan broke. Computer overheated. Meltdown in the literal sense. It all goes back to it getting smashed on my birthday, so whoever you are that smashed it, you have now cost me nearly $1000. Not that it wasn't an awesome party..... But now I really do need a "Help Kerry" Fund.....
...Because my job street "dialoguing" (it really doesn't deserve to be called canvassing) sucks. I am just good enough at it to not be fired, but not quite good enough to earn steady money. I love the people there, don't get me wrong, but it is sooooooo much rejection a day. Plus long hours. I feel like, on work days, that all I do is get up, commute to work, work, commute home, eat, and pass out. I spent all of college ridiculing that lifestyle, so what in the fuck am I doing?
I will post a funny, heart-warming day-in-the-life montage at a later time....
In the meantime, I have BIG plans. Like, ordering a new computer (Dude, I'm getting a Dell!), not sucking at dialoguing, and finding a new job. My current plan is holiday retail. It'll pay the bills if not the health insurance.......
But living on the edge can be fun! I mean, who needs prescriptions? Okay, I do...... But paying full price out of pocket is exciting and fun! You get to feel like a real high-roller. Like, "No no! I don't *HAVE* health insurance. I am too rich and daring. Here's a few twenties. Keep the change! Ha HA!"
The real world is testing me right now....
I don't know how my parents did 23 with me on the way....


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