Digging a Hole

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Spring! (and Ireland Preview)

Oh, werd?!
I have a mild case of spring fever. The snow has finally melted on our garden, and the winter rye has sprung back into action. Meanwhile, indoors, the tatsoi and arugula sprouted today marking the kickoff of our 2010 garden.
Yes, that's right, arugula. I am now officially a Montclair resident. I am pretty sure there is a question about what greens you grow on the census in order to prove Montclair residency, actually, so the spicy goodness sprouted just in time. (If you buy your arugula from Whole Foods rather than grow it, you are from Upper Montclair.)
In other news, we have returned from another successful romp through Ireland. With our acquisition of some sort of Irish flu, I can now say that I have puked on three continents! This did not stop us from touring the West, sampling Jameson at the distillery, or fleeing a bad restaurant with the server on our heels, though. More to come...


At 1:27 PM, Blogger amanda said...

OMG I can't wait for Ireland post.

Also, we planted out seeds too! They have yet to sprout, as we just did it this weekend. But I still keep staring at them every night to see if I see any green (besides the grass that got mixed up with the dirt we planted them in... I'll probably get really excited in about a week and then realize that it was a weed that beat the tomato to the punch).

I will write a garden post soon, I swear.


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