Digging a Hole

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

You Can Canvass *Anything*

So, I have been told many times that one can canvass anything, not just money. The joke is that if you asked every contact for a left shoe, someone would give it to you. So I have canvassed some weird stuff. One night, I decided I wasn't dressed warmly enough, so I canvassed a winter coat. I have canvassed tons of bananas and apples, cans of soda, halloween candy, fudgcicles (the same night I needed the coat, that was weird), newspapers, religious tracts, etc....
Last night I was trying to canvass a Kerry/Edwards bumper sticker because some jerk put a W sticker over my Kerry sticker on the minivan the day AFTER the election. Jerks.
It turns out, Dems need these as part of the grieving process. People really didn't want to let go. It took me like 3 tries before I finally scored one. I also acquired a cd by some dude's band.
Some dude: "You'll really love this. My friend played it for some kids who like hip hop, and they really loved it too."
Me: "What kind of music is it?"
SD: "I can't describe it, but it's just the type someone like you would love."
Me: "Sounds great to me! Now about that fundraiser..."
Last night, I also canvassed...... A RIDE ON A SEGUE!!!!! (WOOOOOO!)
Loyal readers know that this is not the first time I have ridden one, but I got the guy to stop and give all the other canvassers rides, too! Huzzah! This one was all tricked out (pimp my segue!) with blue glow lights on the underside and headlights and taillights (alas, no flaming muffler). Apparently, a segue can go about 8 miles before it needs to be recharged. That actually isn't all that far when ya think about it, but for this guy, who has a 6.5 mile commute, it's perfect *and* environmentally friendly. Cool.
For fun, comment on things you'd like to see me try and canvass:


At 10:08 PM, Blogger Ben said...

someone's soul! awwww...


At 11:37 PM, Blogger amanda said...

a new hoodie!

ok, possibly easy, but you need one with a story to replace the old one

At 8:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

anonymous sex.


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