Digging a Hole

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Forward Thinking

Oh, werd?
Eric was annoyed today because I am looking forward to Girls' Weekend (which is falling on his birthday weekend...crap).
"There are lots of good things happening between now and then that you will miss if you just look forward to something else in July!" he protested.
I am also looking forward to U2 concerts, but they are not until the end of September.
Eric suggested that I look forward a shorter distance to Memorial Day weekend when we are planning on going hiking in the Pine Barrens. I tried looking ahead an even shorter distance until next weekend when we are entering a canoe relay race in Newark and biking in the Tour de Montclair.
All of this looking forward, though, leaves me with this weekend where unplanned required engagements and wet weather have left us bored on a May afternoon. I know I am going to want this May afternoon back someday, but it will be gone. I will have spent it looking forward to the backyard being dry enough to plant our tomatoes. Damn.
Tomorrow we will plant them. Then, we will go canoeing and biking and hiking and Girls' Weekending and U2ing.... but when (if) I am 80 years old, I will want that warm May Saturday back that I wasted when I was immortal.


At 6:58 AM, Blogger doyle said...

Two things:

In May, any moment can be eternal, it's impossible to predict when those moments will happen, and they happen at any age.

Your audience is waiting for the tale of catching fish on windy, rainy beaches with two (very) cold men.


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