Digging a Hole

Monday, May 31, 2004

Day 3: The Neighbors are Talking....

There are lots of things that suck about living in a neighborhood where the houses are mad crazy close together. For example, when my neighbor decided to paint her house "bright fucking pink" (this is an actual shade, I swear...), my room got new, pink, natural lighting from the reflection off her hosue. Or like, when my zany Swedish neighbor decided she needed to tan her WHOLE body... well... let's just say we knew.
Living in close quarters can be cool, too, though. Everyone knows everyone and everyone knows what everyone else is up to.
So, I wasn't completely surprised today when, about an hour into digging, I thought I heard, "Dig! A! Hole!" coming from across the street.
"That can't be what she just yelled..." I thought.
Then I heard it.
"Kerry's digging a hole!" "Yeah, we're gonna go look!"
The rumor mill had begun to spin. Moments later, two middle-aged women (MAWs) poked their heads over the fence.
MAW1: "Kerry! Where are ya?"
me: "Down here." (in the hole, werd)
MAW2: "I told you she was digging a hole. Kerry, why are you digging a hole?"
me: "A pond."
MAW1: "You're a real pisser Kerry. Digging a hole..."
MAW2: "My husband is supposed to be digging a hole in our yard. He still hasn't dragged his lazy butt outside, and here's Kerry, digging a hole."
MAW1: "A big ass hole."
MAW2: "Kerry, if you dig me a hole, you can use the pool all summer."
(Note: Werd, who wants to start a pond-digging business with me?)
MAW1: "Well Kerry, you're a real pisser, ya know that? You keep digging your hole."
MAW2 (walking away): "I keep telling Nicky, 'When ya gonna dig that hole?'"........."

And so, I returned to digging my hole.
I have new tools now. Like a (drum roll please) PICK AX!! Fuck yeah!
Unfortunately, due to inclement weather, all further hole-digging has been post-poned for the day. I think I fought the hole to a tie today, making my record against the hole: 1-0-1 (kick ass!)
(From across the street) "I saw it! Huge hole!"
Werd, Bloomfield. Fuckin' NJ.


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